24 HOURS EMERGENCY CARE : 08026675530, 08041239075
Basic health check evaluates the persons current health status and they give a proper and sufficient information on the overall functioning of body systems. A good screening tool.
Package includesPlease note that a minimum of 10-12 hours fasting is essential prior to check up. Water can be consumed. Please do not drink coffee or tea before coming for the test. Abstain from alcohol for at least 48 hours prior to the check up.
The first morning sample is preferable for urine routine test
Please collect the conatiner for stool specimen from the lab. Stool specimen should not be contaminated with water or urine.
Please take your regular medications, but not before giving fasting samples.
Inform in advance if you want any additional tests / investigations or consultations to be done so that we can schedule your appointments for the same Please bring all your earlier medical records (within 1-3 yrs.) during your physician consultation
Pregnant women or women with suspected pregnancies should not undergo any X-ray procedures.
A health check up during your menstrual period is not advisable.