24 HOURS EMERGENCY CARE : 08026675530, 08041239075



In MEDCARE Hospital Burns care service is managed by a multidisciplinary committed team of experts comprising of senior experienced plastic surgeons, intensivist, general physicians , emergency physician, psychiatrist, physiotherapist, dietician and Nurses with special training and caring for burn patients. This specialised team will be able to Implement the most advanced, innovative and aggressive treatment techniques that minimize infection, scarring, long-term disability and promote healing for all varying degrees of burns.

Our multidisciplinary team of experts is renowned for its critical care expertise in treating and saving lives of patients with chemical, electrical, flame and scald burns. MEDCARE Hospital also provides comprehensive care for complex critically injured trauma patients and for wounds resulting from trauma, diabetes or vascular disease that are difficult or slow to heal.

The range of treatments provided to burns patients includes fluid management, pain management, continuous enteral feeding, escharotomies, infection control , therapy to reduce the effects of scarring and skin grafting procedures . Contractures when formed have to be treated surgically. In addition, aggressive rehabilitation is necessary as rehabilitation that is begun early and continues late in the healing process usually results in the greatest flexibility and improves movement and performance of daily activities. The use of specially fitted garments / pressure garments helps to reduce the amount of hypertrophic scarring. The use of splints and other orthotic appliances helps to improve the patient's ability and appearance. Along with the above mentioned treatment continuous education is given to provide social and emotional support to patients. Regular counseling are provided to patient and family members to overcome the mental trauma.

After discharge, burns patients are scheduled for follow-up visits at our outpatient department with prior appointment. During these visits, our consultants including plastic surgeon and Gen physician examines the patient and closely monitor each patient's healing process and discuss his or her progress and modify care as needed. They make necessary recommendations including medication adjustment, bandage changes, physical activity level, nutrition and return to work.

Our aim is to reach out to burn survivors who need specialist care and help them to regain physical function and help them to go on to lead full, productive lives.

Our Burns Care Team

Plastic Surgery Gen Physician Psychiatry Physiotherapy Burns care trained Nurse Read More : www.burnscare.com